A ticket's data points can be modeled in a relational database, but the details get a bit hairy. 罚单的数据点可以在关系数据库中建模,但详细信息却有点麻烦。
Based on the COM interface of AutoCAD, the impeller of an axial-flow pump was modeled by connecting the hydraulic model database through ADO and by using VB as programming language. 基于AutoCAD的COM编程接口,通过数据对象创建数据库连接,以VB为编程语言,实现了轴流泵叶轮的参数化三维建模。
To solve the problem of automatic generation of operation orders for secondary devices, secondary devices are first modeled, and then special expert knowledge database is created. 提出了二次设备模型化,并构造了相应的知识库,解决了二次设备操作票自动生成问题。